Die vielen Vorteile des Tragetuchtragens

A few seconds to install & adjust the Ring Sling to take full advantage of its many benefits with beautiful moments of complicity.

Discover the 8 main advantages of sling carrying for both parent and child: 

1. Sensory & cognitive stimulation cognitive stimulation of the child


Slinging stimulates the physical and cognitive development of the child: sensory and cognitive stimulation, development of balance and vision. In a sling, the child learns to interact with its environment. He sees what the parent sees and hears what the adult hears or says. The child is globally more involved in the daily life of the carrier. The proximity also allows for a quick response to the child's signals and needs, thus promoting a climate of trust and security.

2. Convenience for the hands-free parent

The Sling is extremely practical for everyday activities. It allows freedom of movement and action for the parent carrying the baby, leaving their hands free. Doing household chores, working, cooking, walking, being present for the other children in the family,... Thanks to the sling, it is possible to combine closeness to the child with the performance of daily tasks.

3. Child welfare and rest

It provides close, reassuring and comforting contact for the child, thus promoting well-being and rest.

4. Strengthens the attachment bond between parent and child

Proximity, gazing, caresses strengthen the attachment bond, thanks to a natural stimulation of oxytocin production (attachment hormones). The theory of attachment developed by John Bowlby (British psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, known for his work on mother-child attachment) is based on the importance of proximity between mother and child during the first months of life. Babywearing allows for greater sensitivity and a rapid and appropriate response by the mother to the child's needs. Secure attachment and trust are developed thanks to babywearing, allowing for better autonomy (exploration of the environment) for the child, who does not fear separation from his mother. 

5. Relieves children's stomach aches

Babywearing facilitates digestion and the evacuation of gas from the child's digestive system, while reducing gastroesophageal reflux problems. 

6. Promotes breastfeeding

Thanks to the contact between mother and child, it encourages breastfeeding. The sling also allows you to breastfeed discreetly. It may take a little practice at first, but once you get the hang of it, you can breastfeed without anyone noticing.

7. Helps reduce the child's crying

It reduces crying and restlessness in children. A study published in the medical & academic journal Pediatrics in 1986 showed that, in a hundred children observed, babywearing reduced crying and restlessness by 43% during the day and 51% at night.

8. It reduces the risks of plagiocephaly 

The newborn/baby spends most of the time lying on its back with its head in the same position. "Babies' neck muscles are weak, so they tend to always turn their head to the same side when lying on their back. Because babies' skulls are malleable, pressure can deform the bones and flatten the part of the head that rests on the mattress"explains the article "Preventinghe "flat head" in infants" carried out by the HUG (University Hospitals of Geneva) Geneva). Experts on the subject advise parents to "hold the child frequently in a prone position". The Sling is thus a means of carrying It is ideal for respecting the child's physiological position and helps prevent the risk of plagiocephaly (benign deformation of the skull in babies).

The benefits are so numerous that they cannot all be listed. 

So don't hesitate any longer and opt for a sling for your child. You will love it and baby too!