Die Vorteile von Ring Sling beim Stillen

We tell you all about it!

The Ring Sling is a popular carrying tool that many parents use to carry their child while keeping their hands free for everyday tasks. This practice has multiple benefits for parents and their baby.

Did you know that Ring Sling babywearing can be particularly beneficial for breastfeeding?

In this article, we'll explore the benefits of baby carriers for breastfeeding.

Links with the baby

The baby sling can help strengthen the bond between mother and baby. Worn by his mother, the baby regains many of the sensory perceptions he experienced in utero. The baby sling enables skin-to-skin contact throughout the day, a physical closeness that is important for creating deep, reassuring bonds.

When mother and baby are in close physical contact, their bodies release oxytocin, a hormone important for attachment and social bonding, but also for relaxation. This can help reduce the risk of post-partum depression and ease the transition to motherhood for the new mother.

Babywearing contributes to the secretion of this love hormone, promoting feelings of relaxation and satisfaction for both mother and baby, as well as stimulating the release of milk.

Improved milk production

When the baby is close to his mother, she can feel his movements and quickly respond to his needs.

The warmth and closeness of a baby carrier can help mothers relax and let down their milk more easily. Having your baby close to you encourages milk production, which is important for establishing and maintaining good lactation.

As well as improving breast milk production, using a baby carrier can also help prevent breastfeeding problems such as engorgement and blocked ducts. The baby's weight and movements can help stimulate milk flow and prevent it from pooling in the ducts. This helps avoid painful and uncomfortable breastfeeding problems.

Practical breastfeeding

One advantage of the baby sling for breastfeeding mothers is the convenience it offers for breastfeeding at home or on the move.

With a Ring Sling, the mother can simply loosen the fabric and adjust the baby's position to allow easy access to the breast(find out more here). This practice can make it easier for the mother to leave the house, and breastfeed serenely and discreetly on the move while keeping an eye on her baby.

Best breastfeeding technique

Breastfeeding can be difficult, especially for new mothers who are discovering and learning the right technique for their baby and themselves.

The use of a baby carrier can help improve technique and promote a correct breastfeeding position.

In conclusion, the baby sling can offer many benefits for breastfeeding, including stimulating breast milk production, reducing stress for the mother and strengthening the bond between mother and child.

If you want to carry your baby, make sure you get professional advice on choosing the right carrier and learning the right carrying techniques(from our certified instructors). Carrying your child is important, but carrying well is even better ;-)